TRAINING (2.4.1)
Member of SCNAT

Bryolich gathers botanists devoted to the diffusion of knowledge on bryophytes and lichens, and to their protection and conservation in Switzerland.

Image: Pixabay


Membership is open to anyone, professional and amateur. It is therefore not required to have any detailed knowledge in bryology or lichenology. If you wish to join the society, please write an e-mail containing your address to our secretary, Alberto Spinelli ( Please state also if you are a student or not. Members receive at least two issues of our newsletter Meylania per year and they have the possibilty to join the various activities of the society like excursions, courses and workshops.

Become a member
To become a member just send an e-mail to the secretary, Alberto Spinelli (, including name and address.
The annual subscription is SFr. 30.- (25.- Euro); for students SFr. 15.- (12.- Euro).

Honorary Members
Due to their exceptional engangement in bryology or lichenology the following people are currently honorary members of the BRYOLICH:

Klaus AmmannEva Maier ✝
Bruno BaguttiGeorg Philippi ✝
Fritz Brüngger ✝Josef Poelt ✝
Trudi Erb ✝Walter Strasser
Hans Huber ✝Edi Urmi
Hans Hürlimann ✝Fredi Zemp
Discover bryophytes


Collecting bryophytes


Determine bryophytes
